About Us

The Finance Empowerment Inititative

The Financial Empowerment Initiative is a non-profit organization that empowers individuals and communities through financial literacy education and impactful events. Our mission is to foster economic well-being and enable people to make informed, confident decisions about their money, ultimately leading to a brighter and more secure future.

Our Programs

The programs cover a range of topics, including BWE, Financial Empowerment Club, Strategic Savings, E.D.’s Talk, and Tax Clinic Insights, all designed to transform you


Black Women Entrepreneurs YYC is a not-for-profit based in the heart of Calgary.

Tax clinic​

We always provide people a complete solution focused of any business.

Financial Empowerment Club

The Financial Literacy Program is a program of the Financial Empowerment Initiative.


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Money and Marriage Seminar: September 21st 2024

Join us for the Money and Marriage Seminar, hosted by The Financial Empowerment Initiative, on September 21st...

Low Income Virtual Tax Filing – July 26th 2024

Mark Your Calendars! Low-Income Virtual Tax Filing Returns help you get your taxes done easily and efficiently!...

Low Income Virtual Tax Filing: July 12th 2024

Welcome to the Financial Empowerment Initiative (FEI), a dedicated platform committed to supporting low-income individuals and families...

What is Financial Empowerment?

Financial empowerment is the process of equipping individuals with the knowledge, skills, and confidence to make informed...

How Consumerism Impacts Your Savings and Financial Health

Are Your Spending Habits Draining Your Savings? Imagine frequently splurging on non-essential items only to find your...

Career Development: Enhancing Your Skills to Increase Your Earnings

  Advancing your career and boosting your income often starts with skill development. Imagine increasing your earnings...