I am a senior. I get the discounts. I can make excuses. I have slowed down. I often speak my mind. I don’t need to dye my hair and I’m thankful for a good sense of humor. There are countless stories and movies about me, websites and government sections pertaining to me and facilities filled with us. There are just as many of us, living independently, traveling and still driving. Yes, sometimes driving our family crazy with our activities or complaints about sore knees and backs. We have raised our children and are enjoying spending time with our grandkids or simply taking time to do all those things we never had time to do.
I have started downsizing – not only my wardrobe and kitchen cupboards, but how I fill my life. What used to be chaotic, is now tranquil. What used to be constant motion, is now stillness. What used to be busy is now peace. I am always working on being more positive, filling my time with meaning and trying to make sense of a world that’s been turned upside down, inside out and all around! Anyone else feeling those vibes?
As a writer, I love to share my words. As a senior, I am hoping to share my wisdom. In many cultures in the world, elders were and still are, considered the keepers of sagacity and knowledge. What a privilege for us to be looked upon as sages, discerners and wise. And yet, the world has sadly changed and we are not regarded in the same way from years gone by. We too had dreams, a future of possibilities and a history to share. As seniors, we have much to offer the younger generation
Shakespeare alluded to the fact that we are merely players on a stage of life. I like to think we are all notes on a music score, each bringing a beautiful sound to the melody of our world. Our creator is the conductor who orchestrates the cadence and the rhythms of each beat. The sound of each instrument plays in harmony when we are in synch. Yes, we have the squeaky notes, the rests and the wrong chord at times, but the beauty of the music is that it transcends time and space. When we close our eyes, we can hear the music of our souls. I do have my moments, but I am living life in a crescendo as I breath my symphony of aging.
In 2009, Pixel launched an animated movie. 78-year-old Carl Fredricksen becomes a widower when his true love Ellie passes on. He ties thousands of balloons to his house and flies to their life-long dream in the South American wilderness. The movie is his journey along with the stowaway, Russell. I love cantankerous Carl, restless Russell, duh Dug the dog and actually the simplistic title: Up.
And so, I present to you – over the course of many weeks – one-word topics and tips about how to simplify and how to live a healthy, productive and meaningful life. Are you ready for the first topic? What was I just talking about? Aha! Memory boosts are needed.
I also want to delve into music musts, solving sleep problems, movement and exercise, frustrations and even healthy eating habits. I hope to leave you with a few challenges as well. I pray my weekly topics strike a chord with you. Stay tuned for next week’s topic.
By Lorrie Morales 2021
LLCMedia Foundation is pleased to welcome Author, Speaker, Educator Lorrie Morales is the Author of the book We Can Do This! Adult Children and Aging Parents Planning for Success.
Lorrie is starting a weekly blog with us here. We are so delighted to have Lorrie share the wealth of her wisdom with us.
To find out more about Lorrie and her work, please visit her website.