This has got to be my best from Lorrie Morales.
She writes with wisdom when she concludes that the ‘beauty of our history is that it lives on through our stories’. My world momentarily stopped reading that. I want my grand children to think of me as a story teller and a lover of God. But in terms of leaving a legacy, I am not sure I have begun the work needed to leave a legacy. God help me!
I hope you are blessed by Lorrie’s latest.
We all have a history. Some backgrounds are full of information that has been passed down, while
others are still searching for the answers to who their ancestors were. Are there still things you want to
learn about your lineage? Just because we are getting older doesn’t mean that we can’t still learn.
Instead of paying attention to the years we have lived, why not have a look at sharing our experiences or
finding out about those who have gone before us?
My father was a memory collector, a family history investigator and a genealogist. He was also a story
teller and shared not only his life journey experiences, but left me with binders and boxes of files of
genealogy that he had collected over the years after he had passed on. My dad made many contacts
while he was researching the family tree for himself and my mother.
So recently, two events occurred within days of each other that I found quite intriguing. I first received
an email from one of my dad’s contacts who had discovered even more data on my dad’s long-lost
relatives. The hardships my ancestors endured and adventures they embarked upon were remarkable.
The second was a message on social media from one of my mother’s relatives as she continues to search
for information about her family’s past. Their history is equally as interesting. Everyone’s family tree
has some interesting branches.
I had just finished a bible study on Deuteronomy and was fascinated with the history of the Israelites. In
Romans 11, Paul makes the analogy of the olive tree which represents Israel, the covenant people of
God. He compares the unbelieving Israel to the branches broken off (v. 17a) and believing Gentiles
compared to branches grafted into the olive tree (v. 17b – 19). A new tree is not planted. This
connection from the Old and the New Testaments is what remains. Jesus is from that olive tree lineage.
There are so many questions that lead to interesting answers.
Here are a few questions to answer that one can share with the family or friends:
Do you know the origins of the family name? Is there a crest? Stories recorded somewhere?
What do you remember about growing up? A favorite memory, book or movie perhaps.
What was your first job? What were your duties? How much did it pay?
What do you recall about your parents, grandparents or relatives?
How did that compare to raising your own children, if you had some?
What’s the wackiest, weirdest fad or fashion of your day?
What did you do for entertainment?
Where and how did you meet your husband or wife? Or why did you not marry?
Were there any outlandish stories or characters from the past?
What would you want everyone to remember you for – your legacy?
A line from a recent poem captured my attention. “We are made of all those who have built and broken
us.” Atticus poetry. The beauty of our history is that it lives on through our stories. Why not take a pen
and write your memoir, share your history and you can start by simply answering the questions listed
above. The next generation deserves to know you. Share a chapter of your history.
Lorrie Morales is a published author of the best selling book We Can Do This! Adult Children & Aging Parents: Planning for Success.